2.You have already within you and your network of colleagues and friends, a vast resource.
3.Be an "idea bouncer."
4. Listen to children carefully.
5.Write and draw for no reason.
6. Display your work and believe that it is beautiful.
7.Be the first one to taste a snowflake.
8.Be faithful to your ideas, while all the while gathering more ideas for more grist
9. You can always wait to edit, but beware of the trap of thinking that you will always be able to pick up the thread easily. Even people without memory issues lose good content in the blink of an eye
1o. Snow melts fast. Be here now. Frustration and anger will inevitably dog your heels, so it behoves us to make friends with the enemy. Look for opportunities to embrace "AFGO's. (Another fcking growth opportunity)and enjoy the process of conversion from "Grinch" to "Mensch.