Monday, May 24, 2010

Smedley Update

It has now been confirmed that Smedley's car was a 1945 Studebaker. Smedley lived in the car for quite a few years, it seems, and the existing frame is still somewhat intact, albeit completely decrepit. It is interesting that the car had a shed, or may I even say a garage of sorts, but it failed even before the unkind floods of 1950 and beyond. The corrugated tin that housed the shed is still extant, but useless. As we can all see, there was never much of a desire to keep the place up, let alone the vehicle...we surmise that the booze was in charge, and when the first major flood deposited massive quantities of soft silt, the writing was on the wall. Subsequent floods deposited significant mica laden bars, and this geological process will continue to build some stability, but there will never be a time when one could safely claim that dry land will endure. My brother, Mac, has been trying to establish a homestead of sorts, but the floods preclude any real stability. On the other hand, stability was never much favored in the Smed's "household",such as it was. From what we have seen in the midden, canned goods played an important part in the Smed's "lifestyle", as it were. We will continue to update everyone in the Smedly Studies program. Please feel free to add any other significant observations as they occur. And don't forget the conference on Smedly Studies coming up in late June and the Nap-thon in August!

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