Yesterday turned out to be a bad day. I wrote a fantastic piece for the blog here, if I do say so myself, and then promptly had a Force Five alz meltdown that sent my pearls back into the aether. Yea, yea, it can happen to anyone, but when you f**ck up as a member of the Alz club, any mistake can bring into excruciating focus the knell tolling from the top of the hill…banging away at the one irrefutable reality of this disease, which is continual reinforcement that I’ve got it, and everyone else is damned glad they don’t. Enough Whining.
Looking around my office, I became acutely aware that I hadn’t spoken to quite a number of wonderful colleagues in a long time, and I discovered an under-utilized resource…you’ll never believe it! They’re called friends! You know, people who like you, sometimes even love you, that have your best interests at heart, that are interested in you for your own sake, people that would sacrifice to help you, point out positive ways of dealing with difficult situations…well I don’t know about you, but that is about the last thing on my mind, proving that the last thing on my mind might need to be moved up to the front of the class, so I can remember that my own happiness is a legitimate concern. Alright, I am now too close to Stewart Smalley on Saturday Night Live, because I can hear the dulcent tones of “you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and gosh darn it, I love you!” I promise not to continue this thread for too many posts!
Thank you dear, forebearing, reader. HFE
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